Picking the perfect foundation shade for your skin tone can be a like walking through a minefield. Your perfect match depends on so many variables: skin tone, undertone, what season of the year we are in.
Luckily you are not alone . We get thousands of questions about which foundation shade work best and especially when it comes to our bestselling organic foundations by Kjaer Weis.
This short manual will help you to make the best pick when it comes to choosing your Kjaer Weis foundation. We walk you through which shades suit which skin tone and season, what the light-dark degrees and other properties the shades have. We also tell you which shades we sell the most of and which shades can best be mixed.
Lightness: Extremely light shade. Suits pale white skin. For people with white skin, who go for the palest possible makeup shade in the middle of winter, the paleness of Lightness could even be too much. If you are looking for a super-pale look or if your skin tone is noticeable pale, this is perfect for you. Our customers, in particular, who buy this shade are people who cannot find a light enough shade in many product lines.
Like Porcelain: Like Porcelain is Jolie’s best-selling foundation in Finland. It is very suitable for light Nordic skin. Like Porcelain is so light that it cannot withstand the slightest tan, but it is not as pale as Lightness. In general, it suits very well people with white skin, apart from those with very olive-yellow base tones. It is also often an excellent choice for people with red-pigmented pale skill, such as gingers and those with freckles.
Silken: Very light yellow-based shade. Kjaer Weis says that Silken is a parallel tone to Paper Thin, but in our experience, Silken is closer to Like Porcelain in its paleness degree. For Silken to blend with your skin beautifully and naturally, there should be a strong yellow pigment/olive colour undertone. It is suitable for light Asian skin tones, for example.
Paper Thin: Paper Thin is suitable for white-skinned people whose tones are still not the palest. It is a one/one and a half degrees darker than Like Porcelain. Paper Thin has quite a neutral undertone, and it can work well on many types of skin when the paleness degree is correct. In summer it is an excellent choice for slightly tanned white skin. Paper Thin is often the most suitable choice for Nordic skin colours, and in particular, when the spring and summer arrive it is far and away Jolie’s most popular shade in the Nordic markets. People mix Paper Thin both with the paler Like Porcelain and the darker Just Sheer as needed.
Just Sheer: To use Just Sheer you should have a little pigment, but a tone that is still relatively light. It is less ideal in winter for people with white skin, but if you take sun holidays, for example, it can be a suitable shade. With the arrival of summer, Just Sheer suits many Nordic people, too, when they manage to get a bit of a tan.
Subtlety: Just Sheer’s slightly darker parallel shade. The tone of Just Sheer is quite neutral, whereas the Subtlety has a hint more yellowness.
Illusion: A darker shade of Just Sheer, this suits medium-dark skin and skin that tans to summery tones.
Velvety: This suits tanned skin and people with naturally darker skin colour.
Transparent: We recommend Transparent for creating the desired facial shape on white skin. For this purpose, Transparent is quite a warm shade that can bring the sun’s warmth to the face.
Delicate: This suits medium-dark and dark skin tones which have a rich, yellow undertone. Delicate is also suitable for shading and creating the desired facial shape.
Perfection: This is for a darker skin tone than Delicate, one with a neutral undertone.
Flawless: For dark skin tones with a base tone that naturally tends towards red.